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Your paintings look great. I’m considering taking Lena Rivo’s class & found your blog. The class is so expensive but wonder if you think it’s worth it? Thanks!

"Worth it" is hard for me to judge. The money I make at conventions goes toward art supplies and experimenting with media. It's my fun money for trying things that I normally wouldn't. If I didn't have that extra source of income, I might've looked for something cheaper. But Lina's class was what I needed: practical exercise in values and color mixing and a style that avoids detail(Since I can fall into a detail hole at the expense of the rest of the painting). Other than that, the course is about learning her method of painting that produces paintings that looks like hers. I think it's good to learn an entirely different approach to creating art. I'm anxious to finish the course, so I can try painting subjects without her hand holding. I believe uou have access to the course for 2 years and I intend to revisit the lessons on value and color mixing a lot. Lena is very supportive and answers all questions. You also can read her comments on the art of everyone else.

Thank you so much! I really appreciate your blog posts and your response!

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