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I'm Juan from Colombia, I live in the city of Medellín. I have many ideas in my head, and I want to start almost to write all stories that I have.
I have a great imagination and I THINK very deep in my heart that these ideas are very good and interesting. I've called to a company named Pipeline Studios here in Medellín, they told me that I must create a "pitch" or look for "pitching" and looking for in web I arrived to this post. I just need a little bit of help to give shape to this things. Could you please help me?
Thank you for your time.
Best regards.

I'm sorry I can't look at your idea for legal reasons but with a little more searching you'll find that I have seven or eight posts about pitching a series. HOWEVER, my experience is almost entirely with studios and networks in the United States. When it comes to the details of the process there may be steps in Colombia that I don't know about.

But the basic ideas are the same. Present enough of your idea to get them interested. Think of them as a partner who will want to have input on the shaping of the idea. Don't get lost in the details of backstory or world building. It is the central concept and the main characters that will sell the show.

Good luck!


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