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Typepad likes to be really difficult when it comes to thumbnails. Maybe it's just my monitor, but when I click the pictures they pop up too large, and there's no scroll button, so I have to do some right-clicking action and open things up in a new window to get the full image in there.

I'll admit, when I first saw the panel with fellow talking to Cog in the room, I thought he was flying the jumbo jet, since he looks like he's wearing some sort of flying gear (which would be confusing since he's clearly not human). But when I read your explanation about how the room would look when the comic is in colour, it makes more sense that it's an unrelated area. I read the comic first, and then your description after, so that I could get my own impression of everything first before seeing your interpretation of it.

Also, I really liked the "I can't run out of air and die in my pajamas!" line. Very funny, and it's nice to see some realistic acknowledgment of flying (well... as real as a person growing wings and flying can get!). Like you mentioned with other comics, rookie fliers not only make it look easy the first time, but nobody seems to mention the logic behind what happens if they fly too high!

I don't think the car looks too out of place... it hasn't been given intense detail like a realistic portrait of a car would.

I really like the lineart too. It's so clean and clear.

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