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I have been reading/looking at all your pitches Tad. They are really good.

There seems to be a lot that goes into pitching/developing a cartoon series.

My question is, why does it seem so hard/difficult to get something green-lit?

If you present the executives all this information, and it is good why the hesitancy? The saying is the proof is in the pudding. Well how much proof do you have to present?

I guess it could be something about their market, but I'm a believer that if you put something out there, especially if it is good someone will come to it. It is all about "appeal". And that is something that your pitches have in abundance!

P.S. -

Thanks for sharing the creative and business process!

In a good season you have to think that network and studio executives get a lot of good pitches, pitches with entertaining characters, clear relationships and fertile story possibilities. They don't have the money to develop all of them so it comes down to a matter of taste or the needs of the network. Any given pitch may be too close to something already in development. Or it may be similar to a show that a higher up shot down. It's like checking out a movie marquee without knowing anything about the movies except the name and the poster. They may all be great films but you can only make your best guess and buy a ticket.

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