When working on the Hellboy Animated movies, I was asked to produce a production blog to build a following on social media. I paid for it and was reimbursed by the studio -- for two years. Since then, I've continued to pay the yearly fee to keep this material available. I haven't gone back and reread it but it's pretty much an account of the production done in real time. We thought we'd be doing a series of animated movies, as many as seven! Alas, the studio was sold to Starz who had no interest in funding their own productions.
Now a new Hellboy movie is in production with a fresh take on Mike Mignola's creation. Will there be an animated series too? No idea. I hope so because there's so much material to be found in folklore from around the world. I'd love to see it as a series instead of animated movies. They could be similar to Mike's short stories. Simple plots but filled with dark moods and atmospheres with surprising twists where they can be managed.
The Hellboy Animated movies were one of the highlights of my career because the subject matter was so different than what I had been allowed to work with. I think the new animators should be more ambitious in how they tell the stories, maybe even switching up the styles for different episodes. Of course, that costs extra.
Anyway, the reason for this post is to encourage you to go back to the beginning of this blog. Click on the word "archives" and you'll see earlier posts than what is shown on this page. Enjoy your binge reading!
Incidently, I have only the vaguest memory of painting this and I'm sure it wasn't sepia when I started out.
-- Tad