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March 19, 2008



So glad to see an update of any kind. I check this site all the time, in the hopes of getting word, there will be a third Hellboy Animated movie.
Thanks again for the update, and good luck getting the Lobster Johnson story in production.


Woot activity!!! Hope we see the next animated after HB2 hits theaters!!


Yeah lets hope we get enough buzz for a new Hellboy animated film.


I'm DYING to see a third animated movie. Thanks for giving us some kind of update and here's hoping that the Golden Army will spark interest for another movie.

On a sidenote, any hope of seeing a 4th Hellboy Animated comic volume?

Your work is brilliant!


Hellboy Animated comics are under the guidance of Dark Horse. I have not heard of any further plans, but then they wouldn't necessarily remember to tell me. I wouldn't think there would be without an animated something to bring interest.

Thanks for the compliments of my work. I still cringe at it. I just did a six page back up story for The Perhapanauts 3 which will be out in June or July from Image. Meanwhile I'm working on my own comic. I'll approach a publisher when I'm far enough ahead.

jeff hotchkiss

Thanks for the update. I love the Hellboy Animated stuff in any media.

I look forward to reading your story in Perhapanauts #3 and hearing about your new comic.

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