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September 19, 2006



wow..she is gorgeous.
She looks different in the warm glow the photo has compared to the ice cold white skin she has in the hb movie. EIther way, your one lucky devil and she is one sexy ADR-ist.


Peri WOULD be perfect for Kate in the movies. I wish Guillermo was using the character. I think I read somewhere that he didn't like Kate. How can that be? Everyone likes Kate!


It's not the Guillermo doesn't like Kate, he just never saw a use for her in his live action movie. He gave the academic role to Abe, I suppose to further distinguish him from Hellboy. I assume he didn't want to add another non powered character for that role.

David Server

YES! I was hoping the movie theme would make it in! Very exciting news indeed.

David Server

Also, it's worth noting that Guillermo actually writes a great Kate, as he used her pretty heavily in his short story 'Tasty Teeth' in Odder Jobs. Worth a read if you haven't already.


It occurred to me that Kate would have been perfect for the Myers role--freshly hired out of NYU, knowledgeable about folklore but never imagining it's real. That would have saved GDT having to make up a new character.

As for the music--as someone who enjoys a good iconic theme, I have to say I'm happy we'll hear the "Hellboy theme" in the movie. I'm sure Mr. Drake's work is excellent and I can't wait to hear it (I may even buy it if it's offered on Itunes), but it's good to hear the theme will be in there.


It is a shame that you won't be able to sit back and bask in the glow of your premiere, Tad. After all the hard work and attention to detail you have been jamming into the movie I hope you at least get to take a day or two off to enjoy the success that I am sure will accompany the premiere before you dive back into the second movie.


Ill definetely be intriguing to hear the HB movie theme which was quite catchy and Im really interested in what Agent Manning will look like.

BTW Kirk...thank you so much for the offer you sent to my e-mail but seeing as I don't have a vcr anymore its no biggy.
Its very thoughtful and much appreciated but I don't mind waiting those extra couple of months for the actual dvd that will come with all the extras and stuff.
But seeing as you'll probably see it before I do definetely post your comments.

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