Tons of retakes remain but the timing of the movie is locked. Well, actually there's a short prologue and credit sequence that the computer department will be adding but I'd say we'll end up between 75 and 76 minutes without the end credits.
The timing of the main picture shouldn't change from here on out. Chris Drake is now scoring music to the exact frame. The guys at Audio Circus are deciding how long the sound of a zombie head exploding should be. Does it last as long as the visual or are the last wisps of zombie dust silent?
Meanwhile, the visuals are tweaked. Shake fx can be added in Final Cut along with blur fx and of course retakes are cut in as they come in.
It's about six weeks until the premiere on Cartoon Network. There's a lot of interest from other countries. It's not out of the question that at least one English speaking country (that is, a country that can air the movie without it being dubbed) could also air it before Halloween. Let's hope.
Mipcom Jr. (just Google it) is coming up soon where broadcasters from around the world will be buying it for their markets. So think good thoughts and maybe it'll show up on your TV wherever you are. -- Tad
well i dont have cable unfortunately. I rely on DVDs or internet for all my entertainment needs...sigh*
hopefully ill be able to download it somewhere...
Posted by: hb | September 11, 2006 at 06:35 PM
That's one hell of a bike lock.
Posted by: Gordon Cranford | September 11, 2006 at 06:38 PM
hb...where do you live? Things may be brighter than you think.
6 weeks! It is getting unbareable! I hope things go well for other countries to get the chance to see this as soon after October as possible. Hellboy is a global phenomenon.
Posted by: Kirk | September 12, 2006 at 12:03 AM
I've been following this here and on Cheek's DA page and I've gotta say I'm hyper about this animated film. I'm just hoping the UK will get to see this......
Posted by: Dylan Cook | September 12, 2006 at 08:33 AM
Download = no more Hellboys.
You have six weeks to find friends with cable. How hard can that be? Wear a disguise, claim to be a lost cousin. or go to a Halloween party with cable and get everyone to watch.
That'll hold you til February when the DVD is out.
Posted by: Tad | September 12, 2006 at 08:39 AM
haha understood...
Although waiting for the dvd isnt going to be that bad...
IM going ot be super busy with sheridan ( animation college in toronto ) so ill sit tight.
Posted by: hb | September 12, 2006 at 09:55 AM
Sweet hope when it airs on the Uk cartoon network its in the afternoon becasue my Cn switches off after 8pm lol,The DVD's will be a must
thanx time info Tad.
Posted by: Jack | September 14, 2006 at 01:07 PM
Posted by: jonny | September 17, 2006 at 08:55 PM