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September 11, 2006



well i dont have cable unfortunately. I rely on DVDs or internet for all my entertainment needs...sigh*
hopefully ill be able to download it somewhere...

Gordon Cranford

That's one hell of a bike lock.


hb...where do you live? Things may be brighter than you think.

6 weeks! It is getting unbareable! I hope things go well for other countries to get the chance to see this as soon after October as possible. Hellboy is a global phenomenon.

Dylan Cook

I've been following this here and on Cheek's DA page and I've gotta say I'm hyper about this animated film. I'm just hoping the UK will get to see this......


Download = no more Hellboys.

You have six weeks to find friends with cable. How hard can that be? Wear a disguise, claim to be a lost cousin. or go to a Halloween party with cable and get everyone to watch.

That'll hold you til February when the DVD is out.


haha understood...
Although waiting for the dvd isnt going to be that bad...
IM going ot be super busy with sheridan ( animation college in toronto ) so ill sit tight.


Sweet hope when it airs on the Uk cartoon network its in the afternoon becasue my Cn switches off after 8pm lol,The DVD's will be a must
thanx time info Tad.



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